About Me

Self-confessed do-it-yourselfer, into anything & everything that can be built, restored, repaired, renovated...

Sunday 18 November 2012

Honda C50LAC restoration

We've had this little Honda for around three years, it came along with the remains of a Honda CB200 which we sold off....
The C50L was the moped version of the Honda cub with a 30mph limit presumably to enable it to be ridden by learners. It shares many parts with the "normal" C50 the main difference being that it is "point & squirt" as opposed to the manual box/auto clutch. It also shares the rust problem around in the rear mudguard area!
The solution to that particular problem has been running in the background for the last few weeks after the repair panel arrived. The frame was sprayed this weekend... Taking advantage of the nice warm weather!

Sunday 11 November 2012

Sandwich Whitemill Windmill

Almost there with the replacement oil tank... Now almost completely hidden behind the new metal screen.... & a locked door... No one would know its there!
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